Hello 👋 I'm Oscar Rødøy, passionate fullstack developer based in Oslo, Norway.

fresh juice homepage
node js logo NodeJS express js logo ExpressJS mongo db logo MongoDB stripe logo Stripe javascript logo JavaScript css logo CSS html logo HTML

Fresh Juice - Full-Stack E-Commerce Website

A fully functional e-commerce website for selling portable blenders, featuring Stripe-powered payment processing, geo-location-based currency adjustment, and a basic admin/order management system.

react logo React vite logo Vite

React Component Library

A small collection of accessible, reusable, and optimized React components, designed to streamline your development process. Each component is built with modern React practices and accessibility in mind.

javascript logo JavaScript css logo CSS html logo HTML

Breakout - A JavaScript Game

An Atari Breakout-inspired game featuring multiple power-ups and levels. Includes model-view-control (MVC) architecture, advanced collision detection, and a scoreboard system.

Shopify Clone - Coming Soon

A SaaS application made to mimic Shopify and all its features, including multi-tenancy architecture, automatic cloud provisioning, seamless stripe onboarding, and user-friendly dashboards.

Currently in early stages of learning and development. Stack: Figma for the design, NextJS as the framework, AWS for cloud hosting, Cloudinary for media storage, PostgreSQL for the database.